Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Easiest Banana Muffins!

We love bananas in the Guajardo household! Even Olivia, who has started eating solids occasionally, seems to like them. However, they always seem to get spotty faster than we can eat them. 

I found this recipe when I had two browning bananas and I was feeling in the mood for baking. The recipe is from The Happy Housewife and, she's right! It really is the easiest banana muffin recipe EVER. I whipped these up so quickly, while drinking coffee and wearing Olivia in our Wildbird sling. If I can do it while babywearing, it definitely can't be that complicated. 

Image may contain: 2 people, including Rachel Guajardo, people smiling, baby and closeup

Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures when I made the muffins. If you want to get REAL CRAZY, add chocolate chips. That's what I did. 

Click the picture below for the recipe! Let me know if you make it in the comments. 

easiest banana muffins ever

xoxo- Rachel