2 Simple ADHD Hacks That Magically Made Me Productive
I have seen a huge wave of millennials discovering that they are ADHD lately! It's so wild because for most of us, our parent's didn't "believe" in ADHD... Whether they were afraid to medicate us or just thought we weren't "applying ourselves enough" (sound familiar?), it definitely was doing us a disservice by not exploring resources. As someone who was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, i can say that it's truly life-changing to discover this about yourself and realize that there are eplanations for so many of the struggles you've faced your whole childhood! I'll tell you my personal experience and you tell me if it tracks with what you experienced growing up. I remember always having trouble concentrating in school. My whole school career I attended private classical schools, so the curriculum was quite advanced and if you missed a beat, it was easy to fall behind. I was easily distracted. I always had music stuck in my head and it fe...